Achieving Results in Unpredictable Times | FranklinCovey

Achieving Results in Unpredictable Times
Resources to help you thrive in times of change.


Achieving Results in Unpredictable Times

In times of great uncertainty, leaders are faced with one of two choices. Freeze to the point of inaction, allowing uncertainty to damage culture, performance, results, and significantly slow a return to greatness. Or, transform fear into engagement, execute with excellence, use the uncertainty as a time to actually increase trust, and help everyone in the organization prepare to do more with less. 


We created this site to provide leaders with tools and resources to help them navigate and lead their organizations through unpredictable times. Over the past three decades, we have assisted hundreds of thousands of leaders, across tens of thousands of organizations, to improve execution, increase trust, do more with less, and transform culture.

Principles to Follow in Uncertain Times

Join FranklinCovey’s top thought leaders as they share unique and enduring insight to navigate turmoil and uncertainty to achieve your highest and best results in the midst of rapid change.



Move With the Speed of Trust, by Stephen M. R. Covey

In this time of change, crisis, and all-around uncertainty, the greatest asset and security any leader has is their credibility. The greatest currency they have is the trust people have in them. The greatest power they have lies in how they choose to extend their trust to others.



Executing in Uncertainty and Complexity

Bestselling author and strategy execution expert Chris McChesney outlines how The 4 Disciplines of Execution® can help leaders drive results, even during uncertain and ambiguous times. Learn how to clarify goals and take the complexity out of achieving them.



Narrow Your Sales Focus

In the midst of a global crisis, how do successful sales leaders keep reaching their targets and quotas? Randy Illig, FranklinCovey’s global practice leader of sales performance, shares the answer with five things to focus on less so your sales department can achieve more.



Reduce Your Anxiety and Fear as a Leader

In this article from Vice President of Sales Jennifer Colosimo, learn why it’s critical that we allow and validate emotions in ourselves and our team members to foster greater empathy, connection, and sense of control.



Achieving Results in a New Reality

Written by FranklinCovey thought leaders Stephen M. R. Covey, Chris McChesney, Jennifer Colosimo, and Randy Illig, this interactive PDF teaches how to use trust, business execution, empathy, and a narrowed sales focus to help your teams reach its goals despite today’s unique organizational challenges.



Section 1: Execute With Excellence

Execute Your Most Important Priorities With Excellence

It is imperative to narrow focus to the few most important priorities that will make the biggest difference. Everyone in the organization must understand these priorities and how their daily work connects. With clear goals, strong alignment, and a system for daily focus and accountability, the best organizations make rapid progress even in very uncertain times. Is everyone in your organization clear on the most important priorities? Do you know if their daily actions align with those priorities?

Leverage Four Principles to Execute in Times of Change

The hardest thing a leader will ever do is drive a strategy or plan that requires a change in human behavior. It’s even more difficult in turbulent times. Learn key behaviors that enable leaders and organizations to execute on their Wildly Important Goals®.



Execute Your Strategic Goals and Create Breakthrough Results

Learn about a set of principles designed to help leaders consistently achieve breakthrough results. This guide will help you get started on achieving your goals. 



Achieve Breakthrough Results in the Midst of Your Whirlwind

Join this on-demand webcast, with Chris McChesney, Wall Street Journal #1 bestselling author, as he provides proven insights on implementing practices designed to help leaders consistently achieve breakthrough results, especially in times of change.



Be Inspired: Learn How The 4 Disciplines of Execution® Created Breakthrough Results at Marriott Hotels

Few industries are hit as hard as hospitality in these uncertain times. See how Marriott was able to focus and engage their employees on the most important metrics. Something to consider when your world is in flux.


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Executing in Uncertainty and Complexity

Bestselling author and strategy execution expert Chris McChesney outlines how the 4 Disciplines of Execution® can help keep you as a leader drive results even during uncertain and ambiguous times for your organization. Learn how to clarify goals and take the complexity out of achieving them.



Execute in Uncertainty and Complexity

Business execution is never more important than in times of uncertainty, and yet uncertainty makes execution much more difficult. Learn from the bestselling author of The 4 Disciplines of Execution, Chris McChesney, as he discusses what a leadership team needs to do to navigate unnecessary complexity.


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Section 2: Increase Trust

Increase Trust to Increase Speed

In low-trust environments, friction grows, speed slows, and cost increases significantly. The combination of slow speed and high costs is a killer and will greatly diminish the ability of your teams to come up with new innovative ways to work, serve customers, and come together to navigate internal and external uncertainty. Do you have pockets of low trust in your organization that may slow you down when you can least afford it?

Move With the Speed of Trust, by Stephen M. R. Covey

In this time of change, crisis, and all-around uncertainty, the greatest asset and security any leader has is their credibility. The greatest currency they have is the trust people have in them. The greatest power they have lies in how they choose to extend their trust to others.



Are My Remote Employees Actually Working?

Leading remote teams is new to many people. While you’re stressing out about whether your people are actually focused and working, your people could be stressing out about whether you trust that they are working. High trust leaders create clear expectations and trust their people to deliver.



Be Inspired: Instead of falling victim to financial disaster, Frito-Lay exceeded expectations.

Economic recession, inflation, and unpredictable weather conditions caused massive price increases in Frito-Lay’s supply chain. They had to move quickly to change their business model. The Speed of Trust® had prepared them with a new perspective and skill set to manage through these unpredictable times.



Section 3: Achieve More

Achieve More With Less

More than ever, you need your people to be both effective and efficient. There is no time for wasted energy or for people to invest resources on the things that will not have the biggest impact. As most of your people have gone home to work, are you confident they have the tools necessary to focus their time and energy on the tasks and projects that will have the biggest impact?

Learn to Focus on Your Top Priorities

Employee productivity is always top of mind for organizations. It is even more so in times of change and uncertainty. Productivity expert Kory Kogon shares how to manage your productivity by rewiring your brain for focus, intentionality, and engagement.



Be Inspired: See How Mississippi Power Was Able to Thrive During Times of Change

When Hurricane Katrina struck, Mississippi Power was prepared to respond in proactive ways because they’d woven 7 powerful principles of human effectiveness into their culture.


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8 Ways to Manage Remote Team Members More Effectively

You’ll need a different approach to help remote workers thrive. In most cases, you’ll need to work extra hard on your management fundamentals, plus make some special, remote-friendly adjustments.



Be Inspired: How Western Digital Was Able to Thrive After a Massive Crisis

Western Digital was one of the largest hard disk drive manufacturers in the world, but a six-foot flood at their Thailand manufacturing plant threatened to put more than 38,000 companies out of business with a 7-year estimated cleanup time. Watch this video to see how Western Digital was able to quickly resume factory operations after the natural disaster.


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5 Tips for Leading Your Team Through Turbulent Times

In times of uncertainty, team morale can plummet, and leaders can struggle to keep up. Senior leadership consultant Victoria Roos-Olsson offers five tips to help your team stay focused, calm, and creative in this quick tip video.


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Section 4: Transform Fear

Transform Fear Into Engagement

The combination of fear, anxiety, and uncertainty come together to stifle productivity, innovation, and engagement. The best leaders help their people move quickly through the change cycle. As a result, they actually achieve greater levels of engagement in times of uncertainty. Have you appropriately equipped your leaders and your people to thrive?

Achieve Results in Times of Change Webcast

For 30 years, Stephen R. Covey’s The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People® framework has helped organizations improve their business outcomes by building a culture where highly engaged employees work together to solve problems creatively.


Watch our webcast to learn how organizations around the world are applying these principles to achieve results.



8 Ways to Better Manage Ambiguity and Uncertainty

Here’s the tough truth for managers: You’ll never achieve perfect clarity and control of your work. But you can learn to manage the anxiety, frustration, and confusion that typically arise in uncertain situations, and grow more confident in your ability to act despite having limited information. 



Stress Management

In times of change and uncertainty, everyone feels stress. Learn three key energy drivers—sleep, relaxation, and connection—and tactical ways you can reduce your stress levels.



Helping Your Team Through Changing Times

Learn what you can do right now to apply the Change Model to help your team survive and even thrive during these uncertain times. Join Curtis Bateman, VP of FranklinCovey, and Curt Garbett, Managing Director, as they discuss strategies to navigate the current unprecedented disruption of work and personal life.


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Reduce Your Anxiety and Fear as a Leader

In this article from Vice President of Sales Jennifer Colosimo, learn why it’s critical that we allow and validate emotions in ourselves and our team members to foster greater empathy, connection, and sense of control.



Section 5: Sales

Leading Your Sales Team During Uncertainty

Sales leaders have faced disruptions in the past, but this one is different. While all organizations are facing unique circumstances during this pandemic, one thing is true for every leader: How you fare during this crisis will come down to how well you execute your plan. Great execution isn’t just about knowing what to do, but doing what you know. Your team needs your leadership. Are you ready?

Boosting Sales Performance

Learn from sales expert Randy Illig as he shares the common traps that sales organizations fall into, how to avoid them, and how sales—at its core—is simply about helping other people succeed.



How Leaders and Organizations Can Embrace Social Selling

In this Q&A, social selling expert Brynne Tillman explains what social selling is, how organizations can begin, and what happens when organizations don’t use social media to help them make sales.



Fostering a Collaborative Sales and Marketing Relationship Leads to Big Wins

In this article that originally appeared on, learn how beginning with trust, aligning your goals, and communicating regularly will enable your sales campaigns to thrive. 



Narrow Your Sales Focus

In the midst of a global crisis, how do successful sales leaders keep reaching their targets and quotas? Randy Illig, FranklinCovey’s global practice leader of sales performance, shares the answer with five things to focus on less so your sales department can achieve more.



Focus Your Sales Efforts in Difficult Times

Watch this interview between On Leadership podcast host Scott Miller and Forbes columnist Randy Illig as they discuss the difference between lead and lag measures, narrowing your focus, and what to focus on (and what not to) during difficult times for sales leaders.





We’re here to help. If you find that you or your organization could use assistance in these uncertain times, please reach out.



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