
Unconscious Bias: Understanding Bias To Unleash Potential™

Announcing FranklinCovey’s newest offering Unconscious Bias: Understanding Bias to Unleash Potential™


Bias is a natural part of the human condition—of how the brain works. Every day, your leaders and your workforce are faced with countless bits of information while making decisions that range from the pragmatic to the strategic. As they confront more and more information—requiring them to act quickly while considering varying perspectives—they are primed to rely on biased thinking. Why? Because unconscious biases are shortcuts that help our brains compensate for overload. This affects how we make decisions, engage with others, and respond to various situations and circumstances, often limiting potential, inhibiting performance, and leading to poor decision-making.






Join a one-hour webcast for an overview of our newest solution where you will discover how bias can be addressed inside your organization. 


In the webcast, we will:

  • Discuss the importance of understanding bias and the impact that unconscious bias has on people and organizations.
  • An overview of the Unconscious Bias work session.  The full work session focuses on the importance of understanding bias and ways we can overcome unproductive and harmful biases.
  • Preview supporting videos and materials from the solution.

Reserve Your Seat at One of Our Upcoming Events



Unconscious Bias: Understanding Bias to Unleash Potential 


Tuesday, May 14th | 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM EDT – Completed


Wednesday, May 15th | 3:00 PM – 4:00 PM EDT – Completed


Thursday, May 16th | 3:00 PM – 4:00 PM EDT – Completed


Friday, May 17th | 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM EDT – Completed


Tuesday, May 21st | 3:00 PM – 4:00 PM EDT  – Completed


Wednesday, May 22nd | 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM EDT – Completed


Thursday, May 23rd | 3:00 PM – 4:00 PM EDT – Completed


Friday, May 24th | 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM EDT  Completed


Tuesday, May 28th | 3:00 PM- 4:00 PM EDT  Completed


Wednesday, May 29th | 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM EDT  Completed


Thursday, May 30th | 3:00 PM – 4:00 PM EDT  Completed





Additional Unconscious Bias Resources

Unconscious Bias: Understanding Bias to Unleash Potential



One-Minute Overview of Unconscious Bias: Understanding Bias to Unleash Potential

A bias is a preference for or against a person, place, or thing. But unconscious bias leaves us unaware of potential harm resulting from biased thinking. As we understand bias, we can address it to create a culture in which everyone thrives.


Unconscious Bias: Understanding Bias to Unleash Potential

Our brains take shortcuts when processing information. These shortcuts, or biases, can have unintended consequences—consequences that may limit the contributions of others and prevent our teams and organization from performing at their best. We can limit the negative effects of bias by actively thinking about how biases are at play in the choices we make, cultivating meaningful connections with others, and choosing to act with courage to identify and address bias.



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